Saturday, August 10, 2013

More Thorn Trees...

 Thorn trees are common in the African Sub-Sahara.  I remember them from my travels in Kenya many years ago.  Another name is the Acacia tree.  Often they are the only shade in the hot sun for man or beast.
 Thorn trees are actually food for the giraffe.  With their long necks they can reach high and maneuver around the thorns to find the tasty leaves.
I chose "Under the Thorn Tree" for my blog because Thorns trees will be commonly seen during my travels in both Kenya and South Sudan.  I expect I will  benefit from the shade from a Thorn tree too.  It reminds me of the safety and security I find in God, resting in "the shadow of the Almighty."  That is where I want to be.  "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."  Psalm 91:1.

South Sudan was in the news in July due to the president dismissing the vice president and cabinet.  Earlier this month he replaced the cabinet with a new smaller cabinet.  Please pray for peace for the people of this new nation (just 2 years old).  Kenya was also in the news this past week due to a fire at the airport in Nairobi.  Fortunately there were no casualties.  The cause of the fire is still under investigation but terrorism was ruled out.  My tickets are purchased and I am planning on leaving September 10.
Photos are from

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